Geometry Advanced

The tutorial introduces some more advanced concepts of the geometry module such as:

  • Simplification

  • Affine transformation

  • Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulation


It is recommended that the Geometry Basics tutorial be completed before proceeding.


The simplify function is used to reduce the number of coordinates composing a geometry, using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.

>>> from geoscript.geom import *
>>> from geoscript.render import plot

>>> poly = Point(0,0).buffer(1);
>>> plot(poly);

>>> plot(simplify(poly, 0.05));
>>> plot(simplify(poly, 0.1));
js> require("geoscript/viewer").bind()
js> var geom = require("geoscript/geom")

js> var poly = geom.Point([0, 0]).buffer(1);
js> poly
<Polygon [[[1, 0], [0.9807852804032304, -0.19509032201612825], [0.923...>

js> poly.simplify(0.05)
<Polygon [[[1, 0], [0.9238795325112867, -0.3826834323650898], [0.7071...>

js> poly.simplify(0.1)
<Polygon [[[1, 0], [0.7071067811865476, -0.7071067811865475], [6.1232...>
groovy:000> import geoscript.geom.*
groovy:000> import geoscript.render.Plot

groovy:000> poly = new Point(0,0).buffer(1)

groovy:000> Plot.plot(poly)

groovy:000> Plot.plot(poly.simplify(0.05))
groovy:000> Plot.plot(poly.simplify(0.1))
../../_images/simplify1.png ../../_images/simplify2.png ../../_images/simplify3.png


The transform function is used to apply an affine (linear) transformation to a geometry object. Transformation properties include displacement, scaling, shearing, and rotation.

>>> import math
>>> from geoscript.geom import *
>>> from geoscript.render import plot

# displacement
>>> poly = Point(0,0).buffer(1);
>>> plot([poly, transform(poly, dx=0.75)])

# scale + shear
>>> poly = Polygon([(0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1),(0,0)])
>>> plot([poly, transform(poly, sx=2, sy=2, shx=1)])

# rotation
>>> poly = Polygon([(-5,-2),(5,-2),(5,2),(-5,2), (-5,-2)])
>>> poly = poly.union(transform(poly, r=math.degrees(90)))
>>> plot([poly, transform(poly, r=math.degrees(45))])
js> require("geoscript/viewer").bind()
js> var geom = require("geoscript/geom")

js> var poly = geom.Point([0, 0]).buffer(1);
js> poly.transform({dx: 0.75})
<Polygon [[[1.75, 0], [1.7307852804032304, -0.19509032201612825], [1....>

js> poly = geom.Polygon([[[0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1], [0,0]]])
<Polygon [[[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]]]>

js> poly.transform({sx: 2, sy: 2, shx: 1})
<Polygon [[[0, 0], [2, 0], [3, 2], [1, 2], [0, 0]]]>

js> poly = geom.Polygon([[[-5,-2], [5,-2], [5,2], [-5,2], [-5,-2]]])
<Polygon [[[-5, -2], [5, -2], [5, 2], [-5, 2], [-5, -2]]]>

js> poly = poly.union(poly.transform({rotation: 90 * (Math.PI / 180)}))
<Polygon [[[-2, -2], [-5, -2], [-5, 2], [-2, 2], [-2, 5], [2, 5], [2,...>
groovy:000> import geoscript.geom.*
groovy:000> import static geoscript.render.Plot.plot

// displacement
groovy:000> poly = new Point(0,0).buffer(1)
groovy:000> plot([poly, poly.translate(0.75,0)])

// scale + shear
groovy:000> poly = new Polygon([[[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1],[0,0]]])
groovy:000> plot([poly, poly.scale(2,2).shear(1,0)])

// rotation
groovy:000> poly = new Polygon([[[-5,-2],[5,-2],[5,2],[-5,2],[-5,-2]]])
groovy:000> poly = poly.union(poly.rotate(Math.toRadians(90)))
groovy:000> plot([poly, poly.rotate(Math.toRadians(45))])
../../_images/transform1.png ../../_images/transform2.png ../../_images/transform3.png

Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Diagrams

For a set of input points (sites) in a given space, a Voronoi diagram computes a tessellation (set of polygons) of that space such that for each point p, the containing polygon consists of all points closer to p than any other point.

In order to compute a Voronoi diagram, a Delaunay triangulation is first computed on the input points.

>>> from geoscript.geom import *
>>> from geoscript.render import plot

>>> poly = Polygon([(35,10), (10,20), (15,40), (45,45), (35,10)], [(20,30), (35,35), (30,20), (20,30)])
>>> dt = delaunay(poly)
>>> plot([poly, dt[0]])

>>> vd = voronoi(poly)
>>> plot([poly, vd])
groovy:000> import geoscript.geom.*
groovy:000> import static geoscript.render.Plot.plot

groovy:000> poly = new Polygon([[[35,10], [10,20], [15,40], [45,45], [35,10]], [[20,30], [35,35], [30,20], [20,30]]])
groovy:000> dt = poly.delaunayTriangleDiagram
groovy:000> plot([poly, dt])

groovy:000> vd = poly.voronoiDiagram
groovy:000> plot([poly, vd])
../../_images/voronoi1.png ../../_images/voronoi2.png