
class geom.MultiLineString(coords)
  • coords (Array) – Coordinates array.

Create a new multi-linestring geometry. The items in the coords array may be linestring coordinates or geom.LineString() objects.

Example Use

Sample code to new multi-linestring:

>> var {MultiLineString, LineString} = require("geoscript/geom");
>> var l1 = LineString([[-180, -90], [0, 0], [180, 90]]);
>> var l2 = LineString([[180, -90], [0, 0], [-180, 90]]);
>> var ml = MultiLineString([l1, l2]);

Alternate method to create the same geometry as above:

>> var ml = MultiLineString([
..   [[-180, -90], [0, 0], [180, 90]],
..   [[180, -90], [0, 0], [-180, 90]]
.. ]);


Multi-polygon geometries have the properties common to all geom.GeometryCollection() subclasses.


Multi-polygon geometries have the methods common to all geom.GeometryCollection() subclasses.