GeoScript adds spatial capabilities to dynamic scripting languages

GeoScript implementations are available in JavaScript, Python, Scala, and Groovy.

>> var geom = require("geoscript/geom");
>> var p = new geom.Point([-111.0, 45.7]);
>> p
<Point [-111, 45.7]>
>> var proj = require("geoscript/proj");
>> var p2 = proj.transform(p, "epsg:4326", "epsg:26912");
>> p2
<Point [500000, 5060716.31816507]>
>> var poly = p2.buffer(100);
>> poly.area
>>> from geoscript import geom
>>> p = geom.Point(-111.0, 45.7)
>>> p
POINT(-111 45.7)
>>> from geoscript import proj
>>> p2 = proj.transform(p, 'epsg:4326', 'epsg:26912')
>>> p2
POINT (499999.42501775385 5060716.092032814)
>>> poly = p2.buffer(100)
>>> poly.getArea()
scala> import org.geoscript.geometry._
scala> import org.geoscript.projection._
scala> val p = Point(-110, 45.7) in Projection("EPSG:4326")
p: org.geoscript.geometry.Point = POINT (-110 45.7)

scala> val p2 = p in Projection("EPSG:26912")
p2: org.geoscript.geometry.Point = POINT (-370416.94184711506 -7935053.5498699695)

scala> p2.buffer(100).area
res0: Double = 31214.451522477902
groovy:000> import geoscript.geom.*
groovy:000> import geoscript.proj.Projection
groovy:000> p = new Point(-111, 45.7)
===> POINT (-111 45.7)
groovy:000> p2 = Projection.transform(p, 'epsg:4326', 'epsg:26912')
===> POINT (499999.42501775385, 5060716.092032814)
groovy:000> poly = p2.buffer(100)
groovy:000> poly.area
===> 31214.451522477902

Find out more about the GeoScript project and how to get involved. See the learning center for an overview of the library.

GeoScript is open source and licenced under the MIT License.